
Hondrostrong: The Reviews

Carmelo Melton:

This is a joint support formula containing high quality ingredients from vegetarian sources. The capsule is easy to swallow with some water. My knees feel much better (less pain and swelling). 

Colleen Rosales:

I was a bit worried about the vegan origen and if it’s going to work, but ordered for my granny. She was so weak in her legs and struggled with her back pain due to sitting for almost 2 years during covid. There was almost no strength or movement and we were afraid she would never walk again. Well, she took a long walk after a month of usage! I absolutely recommend them!


Buy this supplement here: Hondrostrong


Luther Riddle:

These capsules are really good, they do not have bad smell, have no taste and have improved my joints a lot. I have less pain, can walk easier than before and wake up without any problems.

Teddy Morales:

It takes a couple of weeks to see and feel the benefit of taking Hondrostrong, but it is really worth it.

Blake Anderson:

This is a great product. But you need to be consistent in your consumption. Bought Hondrostrong for my aging mom and she said her knees didn’t hurt that badly. In terms of quality, ingredients are appropriate for her joint pain. Packaging was good too. Will purchase more when supplies run out.


Find more about this supplement: Hondrostrong


Petra Burnett:

I like this supplement, there is no animal derived ingredients. It supports healthy joints and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Colton Mckenzie:

Very effective product for muscle and joint pain. Like the fact that all the ingredients are plant based and not animal based. Works better than anything I have ever used.

Gabriel Holden:

My husband also takes this supplement and compliments all the time how much better he is walking without pain, and me too! Highly recommend.

Damien Yates:

I have noticed improved joint flexibility and reduced discomfort since incorporating this supplement into my daily routine. I would definitely recommend Hondrostrong to anyone looking for a high-quality, plant-based joint support supplement.


More information about it: Hondrostrong

How does Hondrostrong work?

Hondrostrong is an herbal cream that has been specially formulated to help relieve pain and inflammation in muscle and joint tissue. Unlike other products on the market, it is made with natural ingredients, which means it causes no adverse side effects. By acting directly on the source of the pain, Hondrostrong eliminates its cause, allowing the patient to lead a full and active life.

When to use Hondrostrong ?

Hondrostrong is a potent cream that relieves a number of musculoskeletal problems. If you have problems with muscle or joint pain, inflammation or stiffness, Hondrostrong may be the perfect solution.

What is rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid is the most common form of arthritis. It occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the synovium, or cell lining of the joint. This form of arthritis is often called an autoimmune disease. Rheumatoid arthritis, if not treated promptly, can cause severe joint damage and permanent disability. It can also reduce your life expectancy.

What causes osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis results from the degeneration and destruction of joint cartilages. This type of arthritis is most common in areas that support weight, such as the knee, hips and spine. This is the most common type of arthritis that affects elderly people.

What are forms of arthritis?

  • Gout is another form of arthritis that can be caused by the accumulation or deposition monosodium-urate crystals at joints.
  • Reactive arthritis is a condition that develops after infections such as genitourinary or intestinal infections. This type is most common in young adults.
  • Low back pain is the hallmark of ankylosing spondylitis. This type of pain usually affects the spine and sacroiliac joint.

What are not so common forms of rthritis?

  • Psoriatic arthritis is often accompanied by psoriasis. It can cause serious conditions and is an inflammatory condition.
  • Fibromyalgia, a form of soft tissue arthritis, is caused by a defective brain function of neurotransmitters.
  • Polymyositis can be described as a systemic condition that affects not only the muscles around joints, but also the heart and lung muscles.

What causes pseudogout?

Crystal deposition around joints can also cause pseudogout. Pseudogout is caused by calcium pyrophosphate and hydroxyapatite deposition.

What are uncommon diasese linked with arthritis?

  • Polymyalgia Rheumatica is a condition that affects the hip, shoulder, and neck regions. It causes severe stiffness, pain, and can lead to polymyalgia rheumatica. This type of arthritis is most common in people over 50.
  • Borrelia burgdorferi is the cause of Lyme disease. It is transmitted by deer tick bites.
  • Systemic lupus, also known as systemic erythematosus, is an autoimmune condition that affects pregnant women. It can attack different internal organs.

How to relieve joit pain at home?

  • Hot vinegar massage can help relieve joint pain.
  • Warm olive oil can also be used to rub aching joints.
  • Essential oils such as lemon, juniper and cypress have tissue cleansing properties and can improve blood circulation around joints.

How to calm your joint pain?

  • It can be helpful to massage the aching joints with camphor mixed with mustard oil.
  • The diuretic properties of dandelion leaf extracts can help increase urine output. It can reduce arthritis symptoms.
  • It can be very helpful to rub the affected area with fresh potato juice, diluted with water in the ratio 50/50.

What should you know about joint pain?

Joint pain, swelling, and stiffness can drastically alter your life, making it difficult to do the things you love. We tend to conclude that arthritis has set in when we feel pain in our fingers and wrists, knees, hips, or other joints.

Although joint pain is a natural reaction to inflammation in our bodies, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have one of the hundreds of forms of arthritis. Sometimes, your joint pain is a sign that you need to make positive changes in your diet and exercise habits, stress level and body weight, as well as your emotional well-being.

How to improve your joints health?

There are natural ways to improve your mobility and reduce or even eliminate your pain, regardless of whether your joint pain is caused due to hormonal changes, excess acidity, cold and damp climate, arthritis, or any other factor. It is important to identify the source of your joint pain and make positive lifestyle changes.

Is menopause linked to joint pain?

As menopause approaches, hormone changes are a common factor in women's lives. Heavy physical activity can cause severe or persistent joint injuries. Age-related changes in collagen matrix repairs mechanisms Activities such as long distance running that is performed over many years. Cold climate and atmospheric pressure fluctuations.

Is your diat a cause of joint pain?

Food allergies like wheat and dairy. A diet high in acid, such as nightshade vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and potatoes. A diet high in animal products.

A diet high in animal products may cause nutritional deficiencies such as calcium, magnesium and manganese. Low-grade infections (dental infection) and autoimmune diseases. The body can accumulate toxic substances.

Why should you be aware of the acidity of your body?

Pain cannot exist without acidity. Acidity cannot exist without pain. To function well, the human body needs a balance between acidity and alkalinity. Americans are more acidic than ever due to stress, increased consumption of sugars, carbs, sugars, red-meat, and sodas.

Acidity can cause inflammation, while alkalinity can reduce it. Inflammation and pain can be caused by an excess of acid in our bodies. This is because we have more calcium, minerals, and acid toxic substances in our bodies. This can lead to joint pain and arthritic conditions.

Why should you reduce your acidc food intake?

Reduce acidic foods and drink more alkalizing foods and beverages to restore healthy pH levels. This will help reduce joint stiffness and pain. Lemons, which are alkalizing, can be confused with acidic foods. We tend to think of inflammation as a reaction to injury or over exertion. But that's only one aspect of inflammation.


Why to boost your immune system?

Strong immune systems trigger the inflammatory response to treat injury or infection. Poor dietary choices and stressful lifestyles can lead to low-grade inflammation, which prevents cell repair and regeneration, and eventually tears down your joints.

For example, cortisol, which is a hormone that is released in response to stress, can cause inflammation. A diet high in sugars and refined carbohydrates can also lead to chronic inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s response to toxic substances.